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Music & Video

NEW TRACKS!  5 thru 17 were uploaded Nov 20, 2021 scroll down to new.
  • DadinCalifornia

Ramon (Ray) Yrigoyen Sr.'s Music and any videos will be posted here. There's a link to Vimeo for the Nostalgia Video on his Facebook Tribute.


Photos are on his official Facebook Tribute Page. You will find hundreds of Yrigoyen Family Photos there!


More info will be added on Tribute Page and here, as time allows. Family/Friends are encouraged to share photos and memories.  

Friend me on facebook to get my direct secure email to share media. 

SONGS have a delayed start as I left them exactly how they were recorded. 

Click HERE or scroll down to view a brief video of NOSTALGIA in 1996 that I took on video at a gig.  Below are a few photos for you to enjoy. Hover to see slideshow.

Tracks 5-17 are not yet available for download

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Nostalgia Band -1996

Nostalgia Band -1996

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